Monday, December 12, 2011

Yuletide Bazaar

The Yuletide Bazaar went great. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to, I think I under estimated how much time I would have. Even still, there was plenty of fudge, hot chocolate cones, s'mores on a stick, holiday bark, peanut butter cups, and covered pretzels. I know...not exactly what I was planning for, but it still worked out well.

In my rush, I forgot the camera. I wanted to take a nice picture of the vending table, all set up and pretty with all the goodies on it, but that didn't happen. I still had a blast though. Sold some stuff, drummed up some business, talked to some really great people, listened to good music, I think a great time was had by all. Here are a couple pictures I managed to snap the day before.

I'll post another blog tomorrow about those yummy pretzels. Those were a pretty big hit. I know I didn't get everything I wanted to do done, and I forgot things, I even got there late, but I had an amazing time and hope I can do it again next year. Next time I'll be prepared!


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